Addiction is a severe illness that affects many people, and it’s been an ongoing problem for society for years. History has shown that illicit substances have been a recurring challenge for decades.
Time has also caused the evolution of substances along with the development of treatment options and programs, including inpatient treatment. But some people are hesitant to get help.
To assist people in overcoming the obstacle of hesitation and doubt in getting the treatment they need, we have compiled statistical data on the effectiveness of inpatient treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Let’s get started.

Can Drug And Alcohol Addiction Be Treated?
Yes, of course, it can. It is never easy to tackle a drug or alcohol addiction, but it is possible.
Here is a list of principles for effective treatment:
Based on scientific research since the mid-1970s, the following key principles should form the basis of any effective treatment program:
Addiction is a complex but treatable disease that affects brain function and behavior.
No single treatment is right for everyone.
People need to have quick access to treatment.
Effective treatment addresses all of the patient’s needs, not just his or her drug use.
Staying in treatment long enough is critical.
Counseling and other behavioral therapies are the most commonly used forms of treatment.
Medications are often an important part of treatment, especially when combined with behavioral therapies.
Treatment plans must be reviewed often and modified to fit the patient’s changing needs.
Treatment should address other possible mental disorders.
Medically assisted detoxification is only the first stage of treatment.
Treatment doesn't need to be voluntary to be effective.
Drug use during treatment must be monitored continuously.
Treatment programs should test patients for HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases and teach them about steps they can take to reduce the risk of these illnesses.
Which Treatment Is Most Effective In Treating Addiction?
Addiction is a unique condition—no universal, one-size-fits-all treatment method exists. But, there’s a growing understanding of what makes addiction treatment more effective.
NIDA has defined several components of comprehensive treatment, one of which is using techniques validated by research. All healthcare systems are built on evidence-based practices to establish effective care methods. Yet, addiction treatment has lacked national, evidence-based standards concerning who can provide treatment, core competencies for those providers, and facility regulations.
Because of its complexity and misplaced stigmas on the condition, addiction treatment has been separated from mainstream medicine for a long time. The two are starting to merge, but there’s a gap between emerging research and older treatment approaches. It’s difficult for professionals to come to a consensus. The evidence is still building, slowly being integrated with traditional methods like the 12-step recovery program. Most importantly, few evidence-based practices in addiction treatment are deemed universally effective—they vary for each individual, their situation, and their substance of abuse. Making treatment more effective means synthesizing newer scientific evidence and older practical knowledge to provide options—to find what works for each individual.

What Is The Success Rate Of Drug Treatment?
Unfortunately, the addiction crisis is deadlier than ever. With over 100,000+ fatal overdoses in 2021, it is the most we have ever seen.
The covid-19 epidemic has indeed impacted the success rates of treatment. It has also affected the Nations attempts at getting help for them.
Treatment for drug abuse was lacking even before the pandemic. In 2019, more than 20 million people ages 12 and older reported having a substance abuse disorder, only 10% of whom reported receiving care, according to a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
What Is The Success Rate Of Inpatient Addiction Treatment?
It is hard to give an exact number or percentage for the success rate of inpatient addiction treatment. Because there is no standard that all inpatient addiction treatment centers follow, it is difficult to find the numbers. Many facilities base their success rates on factors such as:
The number of individuals who complete the program
The percentage of individuals who remain sober following their treatment.
Alumni interviews
Internal studies
At LA Valley Recovery, we offer a great Aftercare planning program, and we hope to stay in contact with all our Alumni upon graduating from the program.
Check out more information about both programs here:
What Is The Relapse Rate For Addiction?
Relapse is often a part of many people's recovery journey. This does not mean you have failed. It is simply another way of starting again. The average relapse rate is 40-60%. That means nearly half of everyone who goes through a treatment program will use their drug of choice again.
We are here to help. Contact us with questions about anything discussed in this blog post or other concerns about drug or alcohol addiction.