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Detoxification // Prescription Drugs

What You Need To Know About Prescription Drugs

Overview of Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse is an increasing issue in the United States today. This issue is affecting all age groups today, including teens. Common prescription drugs that are being abused are stimulants, opioid painkillers, anxiety medication, and sedatives. Identifying the signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse is very important. This will allow the user, families, and loved ones in the decision to seek inpatient detox for prescription drug abuse. There are different symptoms of withdrawal depending on the prescription drug being abused. We will describe the different signs and effects of different prescription drug abuse below. 

Signs & Effects Of
Prescription Drug Abuse

Depending on the prescription being abused, the signs and effects will look a bit different. Identifying the issue early will create the best possibility of sustained recovery. According to information provided by Mayo Clinic, the following prescriptions have become the most commonly abused prescriptions in the United States today. 

Opioid Prescriptions

Opioid prescriptions are used to treat moderate to severe pain. Oxycontin, Percocet, Hydrocodone such as Norco, and Vicodin are the most common prescription opioids that are on the market. One of the biggest dangers in buying these prescriptions on the street is the possibility of the pills being fake fentanyl-pressed pills. This is a common issue that has claimed the lives of many in the United States alone. Some signs and symptoms of prescription opioid abuse would be:

  • Nausea

  • Constipation

  • Euphoria 

  • Increased Sensitivity To Pain

  • Slowed Breathing

  • Drowsiness 

  • Overdose

  • Death

Anti-Anxiety/Sedative Prescriptions

These medications are prescribed to treat the symptoms of anxiety as well as sleep disorders.

Some medications that are prescribed for these purposes would be Xanax, Valium, and Ambien. Benzodiazepines in particular have a high risk for dependency. To further the danger of addiction to prescription drugs, the withdrawal from benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium can be fatal in itself. Some signs and symptoms of Anti-Anxiety/Sedative prescription drug abuse would be: 

  • Slowed Breathing

  • Slurred Speech

  • Difficulty Concentrating 

  • Memory Loss

  • Confusion 

  • Lack Of Coordination

  • Drowsiness

  • Overdose

  • Death

Stimulant Prescriptions 

Prescription stimulants are used for ADHD and some sleep disorders. Like all prescription drugs, stimulant prescriptions can be very dangerous when taken in ways other than prescribed. Some signs and symptoms of prescription stimulant abuse are the following: 

  • Irregular Heartbeat

  • Paranoia

  • Euphoria

  • Heightened Body Temperature

  • Loss Of Appetite

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Agitation

  • Overdose

  • Death

Our Prescription Drug Abuse Detoxification Process

LA Valley Recovery has dedicated employees on-site 24/7 to assist in the early stages of the detoxification process. Prior to admission, the patient will participate in our pre-screen process. This helps our medical, clinical, and operation staff members properly prepare for the arrival of each client. In this assessment, our dedicated admissions team will collect information regarding substance use history, medical history, any precious treatment attempts, and any medications that the patient is currently taking. By conducting this assessment, our team will be able to develop an initial plan by anticipating the level of severity of withdrawal symptoms described by the patient participating in the pre-screen. 


Next, the admission date and time are scheduled at the earliest available to ensure that we are able to begin working on the problem at hand as soon as possible. Typically when someone is ready to get the help they need, it is best to admit to the detoxification program as soon as possible. This leaves less time for the addiction to force the patient back to their drug of choice which closes the window of opportunity for recovery. Upon admission, there are certain forms and assessments are conducted in order to begin the treatment process. Once these things are taken care of, our patients will then see our medical team led by Dr. Courtney Scott for further evaluation and medication-assisted detoxification processes. Depending on the prescription drug being abused, the detoxification process will look a bit different. Our dedicated team will be there every step of the way to help identify and formulate the best detoxification treatment plan possible for each individual based on their needs.


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LA Valley Recovery is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ready to help find the best treatment options for you.

  • Do I need Alcohol Addiction Treatment?
    This is a question that is frequently asked, but unfortunately is a hard question to answer on your own. The best way to find the answer to this question would be to speak with an addiction specialist at LA Valley Recovery, your local area, or anywhere that addiction services are provided. This question can be a tough one to self-assess even when life has begun to become unmanageable. There are some questions you can ask yourself to help make the decision before reaching out to LA Valley Recovery for treatment for alcohol abuse. Do you find yourself drinking every day? When you begin drinking, are you unable to stop until you are unable to function? Have you neglected other areas of your life to focus on drinking? Have your loved ones expressed concerns regarding your drinking? If the answer to some or all of these questions is yes, then there is a good chance that inpatient detoxification for alcohol addiction is necessary.
  • Is Alcoholism Linked To My Anxiety/Depression?
    There is plenty of evidence supporting the connection between alcoholism and anxiety/depression. It is common for someone with anxiety/depression to seek solace from those feelings and end up relying on alcohol for the relief that they are searching for. This is a temporary solution to a long-term problem. In other cases, anxiety/depression begins to spike due to the extreme consumption of alcohol. For more in-depth information on the link between alcoholism and anxiety/depression, please refer to the following link:
  • What Should I Expect When Detoxing From Alcohol?
    The detoxification process does vary between individuals, but there are some common signs and symptoms related to alcohol detoxification. Our team at LA Valley Recovery is dedicated to walking you through the ups and downs of detox. Some of the potential symptoms include: Heightened Anxiety Cold Sweats Nausea Hallucinations Seizures Increased Heart Rate Heightened Depression Death Detoxification from alcohol is one of the most dangerous processes for someone with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Due to the potential seizures that can happen during the detoxification process, it is highly recommended that an inpatient, medically supervised program, such as LA Valley Recovery is the safest option when removing alcohol from the individual's daily routine. Though every individual experiences the symptoms of withdrawal differently based on their substance use history, it is highly recommended to attend a 24/7 supervised program in order to reduce the chances of irreversible damage or death. Detoxification is a process that must include careful monitoring, medication management, and willingness from the patient to be open and honest about the thoughts and feelings that are occurring during the process. The willingness to open up to the dedicated staff members at LA Valley Recovery must span across past drinking history, current thoughts and feelings, and the overall effectiveness of the detoxification process in order to individualize the steps needing to be taken to ensure the best possible chance at sustained abstinence from all substances in the future. For more information regarding our Alcohol Detoxification process at LA Valley Recovery, please reach out to us here for a prompt response!
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